Your car’s air conditioning does much more than just cool the inside of your car. When working properly, air conditioning helps to filter out pollen, pollutants and any airborne bacteria, greatly improving the quality of air inside your vehicle.

Air conditioning systems can lose refrigerant gas over time, especially when they aren’t used regularly. Manufacturers recommend air con servicing every two years to keep your air con system clean and your car cool.

Why should I have my Air Conditioning serviced?

  • To reduce gradual build-up of bacteria & contaminants.
  • To prevent build up of unpleasant odours.
  • To avoid allergies, sore throats & other allergic reactions.
  • In-Car climate has a direct link to driver fatigue.
  • Efficient Air Con Units keep fuel costs down.

Our air conditioning service keeps your air con working properly by replacing and recharging refrigerant levels in line with your manufacturer’s recommendation.

All vehicles manufactured from 2017 onwards require a new type of refrigerant gas by law, which we also stock.

Call our service department on 094-928 6606 for a quote for your vehicle.